September 12th and 13th, 2014
Registration Desk with new on-line registration
President Elyese Anderson welcoming everyone to the symposium
Each nominated DLAT Board member gave a quick talk of why they do what they do
2015 Board of Directors sworn in.
Your 2015 DLAT Board of Directors
Members were given a quick tour of their new website.
Make it Grow!
Rendon Chambers explaining how a digital lab can be successful. Sponsored by Sirona
Gary Morgan giving the latest regulation updates!
Gary Morgan giving sound advice
Receiving an award for his service as past president of the DLAT
Ernest giving thank you speech for award
Amann Girbach brought digital dentistry to their booth
A Word from our sponsers
Demo Time!
Insurance for your Dental lab
Argen’s Booth displaying their wonderful products
Night life in Galveston (Photo: Brenda Triplett)
Wonderful Breakfast provided by the Tremont House.
Gary Box and Emery Burdine enjoying good conversation and food
Starbucks coffee provided all day for our guests!
Meet and Greet
Rendon gave in valuable information about marketing your dental lab on the second day.
Tommy Simmons of Texas Workforce Commission
Texas Workforce Commission taking questions from dental lab owners