Check out these pictures from the 2015 DLAT Southwest conference!
We are unwinding from the conference still, we had a lot of fun we hope you did too!
Didn’t attend? Check out what you missed below and we will see you next year!
We will be updating the information for each picture over the next few days. so keep checking back for the updates.
Want to leave a comment or description? Just click on the picture and you can leave a comment below the picture.
Do you have any pictures you would like to submit to the gallery? Just email them to with a description of each picture.
anaxdent Table Clinic
Enfuego Cacti
Opening morning session Keynote Speaker Dr Bryan Harris.
Vendor Day Table Clinics
Invocation by Emery Burdine
Night before the conference preparations
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient
Ortho Lab Workshop with Priscilla Mier and Ernest Cardnenas
“Tell me when to swing!”
Friday Night Fiesta on the courtyard
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Argen
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Nancy Hairston and ScupltCAD
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Evident Dental Lab Software
Pinata time
CDT Milestone Pin Recipients
Dentsply Table Clinic
Vendor Day Table Clinics
Chris Bormes connects!
Guacamole Bar!
Behind you!
2015 Saturday Awards Luncheon
2015 Saturday Awards Luncheon
Dentsply Booth
Yes, that is a Plaid retianer!
How the Pinata Stick got broken! Credit: Chris Bormes
CDT Pin Milestone Pin Recipient.
Friday night Fiesta view
DLAT business meeting
Friday Night Fiesta!
Jill Spina, Guest speaker for WIDT
CDT Milestone Pin Recipiant
Friday night Fiesta Scene
All the CDT Milestone Pin Recipients!
Affordable Dentures and Implants at Vendor Day
Guest Speaker for the 2nd Annual Women in Dental Technology
LOL Dental Table Clinic
The cool guy club
Sirona Dental Table Clinic
Blue Mustache Wendy Wagner?
2015 Saturday Awards Luncheon
CDT Milestone Pin Recipients
Madame President and Secretary/Treasurer finally getting to eat
Just Pressables Table Clinic at the Vendor Day
Pre-meeting before the Awards Ceremony
THe Board of directors end of meeting (de-briefing) meeting
I see you!
Serenaded by the mariachi band at the Friday Night Fiesta
Friday Night Amigos
Pinata going down!
Table Clinic at the Zahn Booth
Women of Dental Technology
Ernie Discussing Ortho lab Procedures at the Ortho Lab Workshop
Our own Robert Jones trying to find the DLAT tooth guy pinata!
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Argen
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Dentsply
Guest Speaker Jill Spina
Retainer designs displayed at the Ortho Lab Workshop
Tay Harvey of anaxdent liking this Texas atmosphere!
Guacamole Bar!
Hey Batter, Batter!
anaxdent Table Clinic with Victor Castro, CDT
our own DLAT Director Gary Box, CDT Milestone Pin Recipient.
2015 Saturday Awards Luncheon Panoramic
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient.
Guacamole time at the WIDT!
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient
Vendor Day Table Clinics
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Dan Burch and Argen
Vendor Day Table Clinics with Straumann
Enjoying the Texas Hospitality
Guest Speaker for 2nd annual WIDT
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient.
DLAT Texas Pinata
Bennett announcing the CDT Milestone pin awards
Bennett Napier of NADL presenting the most current Regulation Standards
Bennett Napier, NADL, announcing the CDT Milestone Pin recipients at the DLAT Awards Luncheon.
Tay taking a whack at the Pinata
Cuban Cigar Roller, Gary Morgan!
El Presidente
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient
Vendor Day Table Clinics
Jim Collis and Bennett Napier discuss Dental Technology
Mucho Enfuego
End of Conference Meeting by youe DLAT board of directors
LOL Dental Booth
2015 Friday Night Fiesta
Forestadent and JBC nd Company teamed up to give some Orthodontic Table Clinics
Robert Jones definitely a dance
Picture-worthy Friday Night Fiesta
Discussion at the DLAT booth
Ortho Lab Workshop
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient
Garland Dental Equipment Services
Jim Collis Table Clinic
Chris Bormes, PREAT Corp.
Dentsply Implants Table Clinic
Rayne of Evident smashing the DLAT Pinata!
Friday night Fiesta Scene
Mariachi band at the Friday Night Fiesta
Friday Night Fiesta
Friday Fiesta Fun!
Pricilla Mier( Ernest Cardenas (The Retainer Factory)
Dos Enfuego
Ernest showing processes at his lab The Retainer Factory
Fellowship at the Friday Night Fiesta
Broken Pinata stick: You should see the Pinatas!
Jim Pressly of Affordable Dentures and Lori Bowling of Aspen Dental
LOL Dental
Conversation over Street Tacos
Robert Jones: Dance or Pinata swing?
Friday Night Fiesta Scene
Nowak Dental Supply
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient.
Lots of hands on Table Clinics at the 2015 Vendor Day
Welcome to the Vendor Day!
Ortho Lab Workshop Disussion
Mariachi band
Friday Night Fiesta
Vendor Day 2015
CDT Milestone Pin Recipient.
Regulatory Standards with Bennett Napier
2nd annual Women in Dental Technology meeting
Table Clinic with Jim Collis and Shofu
Directors Robert Jones and Gary Box look on
Either Rayne got hit by the Pinata or the Pinata hit Rayne!