Thomas Zaleske provides technical customer support and consulting
services to several dental manufacturers, has been the Bench-top Editor for Dental Products Magazine and is the owner/technician of
Matrix Dental Laboratory and Consulting for 33 years. Located in the Chicago/ NW Indiana corridor and services a national clientele base.
Tom was also presented the 2017 NADL Excellence in Education
Hybrid bar, All on 4, All on anything.
Is your digital/milling sweet spot narrow or non-existent? Are still wondering about where and how to start, or how other dental laboratories are fabricating them?
Then this is the presentation for you!
Let a dental technician who specializes in traditional fabrication, is an NADL education award winner, and dental lab consultant explain and help you navigate through not only the basics but also the nuances that provide the needed know-how and rationale to outsource the bar and traditionally fabricate these rather simple prosthetics.
The Presentation will cover:
Step by step versions of fabrication.
What to look for when choosing a milling source.
Communication tools.
Set-up and processing techniques.
Characterizing and finishing techniques.
Saturday April 6th 4-6pm