Welcome to the Live Streaming Portal of the 2022 DLAT/ORG Conference and Expo!
Below you will find the schedule of events. and the times they occur. At the proper time, click on the link of the course 10 minutes before the start time to make sure your internet connection and speakers are working then sit back and enjoy the show!
You will see at the bottom of each course page, there are some questions for you to answer. Be sure to answer these questions and fill out the form completely as it will be used to grant you your CE hours.
Click the links below at the appropriate time to start the live stream
>>Links will be activated Thursday night, March 31st<<
DLAT Live Streaming Schedule
8:30 pm [Lunch & Earn] Dazed & Confused–The FDA and Your Digital Workflow ($40 extra) – Tim Torbenson (1 Hr RS)
Unfortunately Peter Pizzi’s Flight was canceled at the last minute. He was unable to do his presentation. We moved Tim Torben to his slot. Everyone will receive (Tim’s Regulatory Standard Course Code)
Therfore, We will not have a Lunch Stream. Feel free to watch one of the ORG Course’s instead —–>>>>
8:30 am Keynote: Your Future by Design. Artistry, Technology and Our Evolution – Peter Pizzi (2 Hr s)
10:30 am Implant-Supported, Full-Arch Fixed Treatment Options – Ruben Arebalo (2 Hr S)
1:30 pm Vendor Day (Table Clinics in the Exhibit hall) – We will Live stream Various Table Clinics throughout the afternoon (4 Hr S)
ORG Live Streaming Schedule
8:30 am Increasing Laboratory Profitability – Michael Wright & Phil Pelligra (2 hr PD)
10:30 am Metal Printing – Offering Laser Sintered Bands In Your Lab – Djamil Abiyev (2 Hr S)
12:00 pm [Lunch and Earn] Round Table Discussion With Ortho Lab Owners– Trisha Abiyev (1 Hr PD)
1:30 pm Vendor Day (Table Clinics in the Exhibit hall) – We will Live stream Various Table Clinics throughout the afternoon (4 Hr S)
DLAT Live Streaming Schedule
8:00 am The Science Behind Multilayer Zirconia and Speed Sintering – Paul Cascone (2 hr S)
10:00 am Prime time with Ivotion in motion – Bill Barton, MBA (MM), BS, CDT, TE (2 Hr S)
2:00 pm Revolutionary Innovations in Product Technology – Duff Wilson, CDT (2 Hr S)
ORG Live Streaming Schedule
8:00 am Dazed & Confused–The FDA and Orthodontic Digital Workflow – Tim Torbenson (1 Hr RS)
10:00 am Tad Supported Expansion and Laboratory Fabrication – Megan Martin & Phil Pelligra (2Hr S)
2:00 pm Ortho Software and Its Application to the Laboratory – Michael Wright & Gabriele Scommegna (2 Hr S)
4:00 pm Lab Management Wisdom: Delegation – Trisha Abiyev (2 Hr PD)
CE Credits: S = Scientific, PD = Professional Development, RS = Regulatory Standard

- On this page, you will see links to each live streaming course and the times in which they start, click on the link 10 minutes before start time to test your internet connection
- Each Course Page has 2 Elements: The live stream video and the CE Course Form. You must fill out the form for EACH Live Stream, to get credit for each course!
- Once your CE Form is submitted please allow 1-2 weeks for your CE to be submitted to NBC.
- That’s it! If you have any questions or issues with the live streaming contact Cade: Webmaster@dlat.org
- Each stream will have a “DVR” function meaning you can pause the stream at any time and come back and pick up where you left off (Up to 4 hours) Note: It will not be “Live” anymore and Q&A will be delayed
- If you experience technical difficulties during the live stream, don’t worry the recordings of them will be available for up to a week after the conference. You will still be able to take the quizzes and receive CE credits.
- CE credit will only be awarded to those names and CDT numbers on the quizzes that match the names and CDT numbers on the registration tickets.
- You may share the links to the live stream with your technicians in your lab but any quizzes submitted that don’t match the names and CDT numbers on the registrations will be discarded and not submitted to NBC
- Technical help will be limited during the live stream so please be patient and check the settings on your computer first before submitting and issues to the Live Stream Administrator.
- Contact Webmaster@dlat.org if you are having any issues before, during or after the live stream