This is a list of the Standing Committees as outlined in the Bylaws. If you are interested in joining one of these committees there is an application at the bottom of the page so that you can introduce yourself to the board.
Standing Committees:
The Conferences Committee:
- Shall Consist of the Members of the Program Committee, Membership Committee and Publicity Committee
- Vice President is the Chair of the Committee
- The Conferences Committee shall develop, produce, and promote all conferences for the Association.
The Program Committee:
- shall consist of not less than three members
- The President shall appoint the members to serve three year staggered terms.
- Shall develop and produce the clinical presentations and the trade show segments of the Association conferences.
The Membership Committee:
- Shall consist of not less than 3 members
- The President shall appoint a chairperson and the other members of the committee
- Shall secure new members and act upon all applications for membership
- Shall Develop and produce the social functions and activities of the Association Conferences
The Budget and Finance Committee:
- Shall consist of not less than 3 members, who shall serve three-year staggered terms to insure the committee’s contimuity
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as chairperson
- Shall prepare and submit a proposed budget to the membership of the association at the Fall Meeting
- Any unbudgeted expenses shall be approved by the Chair of the Budget & Finance commitee
The Legal and Governmental Affairs Committee:
- Shall study and make recommendations relating to the Bylaws of the Association
- The committee shall serve as liaison with the Legislature, the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, The Dental Laboratory Certification Council, and all regulatory governmental agencies.
- And Make recommendations to the Board of Directors related to laws, rules and other legal issues
The Education & Scholarship Committee:
- Shall study and discuss issues related to the programs of dental and dental laboratory education
- and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- The Committee shall make recommendations for the distributions from the scholarship fund
The Nominating Committee:
- Shall nominate candidates for the offices as provided in the Bylaws
The Professional Relations Committee:
- Shall serve as liaison between the Association and other related groups
- Shall study and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on relevant issues
The Publicity Committee:
- Shall develop and produce Association publications and website.
- shall develop and distribute, for print and electronic media, advertising and promotional materials for all Association conferences.