Did You Know:

  1. If you do ANY type of dental laboratory work (milling centers and design centers included) for ANY dentist, or laboratory located in the state of Texas, no matter where in the world YOU are located, you MUST be registered by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE), and MUST employ a Certified Dental Technician (CDT) who works on the premises for at least 30 hours per week.


  1. EACH Location of a laboratory must register separately and obtain their own TSBDE registration no.
  2. All registration renewals must be received by Dec. 31 each year, or late fees start to accumulate on Jan. 1. Holiday closings are not excuses!
  3. The owner or manager must also take a Jurisprudence Assessment which is required for every new registration, and every 3 years for a renewal.  
  4. You can take the Jurisprudence Assessment any time, as many times as you like, and you can also receive 2 hours of Professional Development from NBC to use for your CDT renewal.
  5. Dental Laboratories doing business in Texas are governed by 2 different documents. Texas Administrative Code Chapter 116, and Texas Occupations Code (Dental Practice Act) Chapter 266.

Helpful Links:

Texas State Board of Dental Examiners Home Page: http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us    

 Link to TSBDE Rules & Regulations (Chapter 116 is Laboratories) of the Texas Administrative Code:http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=107&Itemid=109

 Link to Chapter 266 for Laboratories of the Texas Occupations Code (Dental Practice Act):http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/OC/htm/OC.266.htm  

Link to Jurisprudence Assessment:http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100&Itemid=73

Link to TSBDE Rules & Regs (Chapter 116 is Laboratories): http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=107&Itemid=109  

 Link to Dental Practice Act on TSBDE website, (Chapter 266 for Laboratories):http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/OC/htm/OC.266.htm  

Main TSBDE Website: http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us


Information provided by Brenda Triplett, CDT

DLAT Past President

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