Jason M. Rogers to speak at the 2016 DLAT Southwest Conference

Increase Implant Profits by Establishing Fixed Costs

Saturday 3:30- 5:00 PM, Room: Andaman

Implant procedures are a way for dental labs to differentiate themselves from competition and to increase revenue by accessing additional procedural capture. Traditionally, dental labs have experienced low profit margins on complex cases where they had invested money, resources and possibly multiple remakes that created frustration as well as the inability to establish their case costs up front. Zahn Dental has a comprehensive implant solution that allows dental labs to move their implant business into higher profitability and provides new products/services that will grow their entire implant business.

The objective of the program is for labs to:

  1. Leave with a road map on how to establish case costs up front on all of their implant cases
  2. Understand what precursory implant products/services they can introduce into their current cases to double their profitability
  3. How to expand their business with specialists and how to increase case volume with their referral network 

Jason M. Rogers

Jason Rogers, Restorative Sales Manager at Zahn Dental, studied at the UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry and has been in the industry for over 10 years. As a marketing manager for a leading implant company, he was involved in product development for implant products, custom abutment manufacturing, CAD software design and guided surgery solutions. With a deep understanding of the complete treatment workflow from surgical to restorative procedures, he has presented on CAD/CAM technology, dental materials and implant surgical procedures to laboratories and clinicians across the world.

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