Jim Emmons CDT ,FNBC
Jim has been sharing technical knowledge for over 5 decades - as an author / inventor And ceramist. His latest development is a mobile app for digital shade analysis Rx. It beta test at 97% shade matching results. It works with any type restorative material.
Digital Shade Communication /Smart Phone /Mobile App
Saturday, April 8th, 2:00am-4:00 pm / Room: Cross Timbers I
Hands on demo & use of the Spectrafire Digital shade application using a smartphone or tablet.
We will demonstrate taking a shade with your smartphone or tablet and producing a printable shade Rx.
We will discuss lighting/shade taking tips/color vision test.
The Spectrafire Digital Shade Analysis will give a plus or minus percentage of the chroma level and translucency level of the patients tooth compared to a shade guide in the picture. The new mobile application also offers the option a shade library of three major shade systems - when you do not have a shade tab in the picture.
Bring a shade guide and your smartphone or tablet - you will be able to use the system hands on.
Clinic Objective
To enable a efficient /accurate / simple process of handling custom shades. An eliminating the guess work matching the "aesthetic zone".