Matt Travis to Speak at 2016 DLAT Southwest Convention

Growth Strategies

Saturday 3:30-5:00pm, Room: Bengal 2 Hr Professional Development

Fellow business owners understand they have to pay their bills; there is a proper way to remind the customer of past due debts without offending them. Likewise, there are time-proven methods for escalating your demands in a non-threatening and professional manner. When situations get to the point in which the debt is interfering with the relationship, the right collection firm process can guide you to make proper business decisions and give you a solid foundation.

Matt TravisMatt Travis, BBA

Vice President of sales for Burt & Associates.

He is a Graduate of Hardin-Simmons University with a BBS in Criminal Justice, Public Relations.

Matt’s firm has introduced a sophisticated collection model to several Fortune 500 companies. They help executives overcome challenges in the economy by increasing working capital and profitability through faster cash flow. Our goal is to maintain our relationships with companies around the globe and create more benefit to other companies looking to thrive in a poor economy.


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