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Conference Schedule
October 2-3rd, 2020
Hotel Information
$137/ Night Group Rate!
MCP Golf Tournament
Grapevine Golf Course
October 2-3rd 2020
DLAT members: $200 for both days! Non-members: $300 for both days!
Get all your CE requirements in one weekend at a great location for the whole family!
Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center
Grapevine, Texas
Welcome to the Conference Registration Portal. Here you will find all you need to register for the Conference, see all the details of the events, keep up to date of all the exciting changes to the conference format this year!
If you would like to register via paper form, please feel free to download the 2020 Conference Registration, fill out the forms, and mail, fax or email it to DLAT. You can also pre-register online and click the "Pay by Check Option" and mail in your check afterward.
Create Your Success in 2020 and Beyond
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," Eleanor Roosevelt once famously said. But Gandhi said, "The future depends on what we do in the present." They are both correct. In this session we will explore how to create a plan in the present, built on the beauty of your dreams for your future. If you have the will, I'll show you a way! This session goes beyond a pep-talk and takes you through applicable steps to grow how you think and how you behave in order to achieve the success you crave.
Conference Location: Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center
Grapevine, Texas
2020 DLAT (Tentative) Conference Schedule
Thursday, October 1st
Exhibitor Move in
All Coffee Breaks Sponsored by:
Attendee Backpacks Sponsored by:
Affordable Dentures & Implants - Dental Laboratories
Dental Laboratory Association of Texas
Friday, October 2nd
Registration/Badge Pickup
DLAT President's Welcome
8:30am -10:30am
Keynote Speaker: Create Your Success in 2020 and Beyond - Ricki Braswell, CAE
10 am
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening - Sponsored by Aspen Dental
10:00am - 12:00pm
Embracing Emerging Digital Denture Fabrication with Traditional Best Practices - Eugene Royzengurt, DTG
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Lunch for all attendees! Sponsored by DLAT (Business meeting to be held during lunch)
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Implant-Supported Full-Arch Fixed Treatment Options - Chris Bormes
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Immediate Dentures: Standard and Advanced Fabrication Protocols: Tom Zaleski,RG
7:00pm - 11pm
Presidents' "Corona" Reception - Free for all! Live Country music, Texas Odourves, Cigar Event!
Saturday, October 3rd
Registration/Badge Pick-up
8am -10am
- Advanced Case Design: Featuring Smile Enhancement Appliances and Unilaterals for Implants & Digital Production for Flexibles and Metal-free Partial Alternatives with the Latest innovation in Digital Materials -Kris Schermerhorn, CDT
- Advanced Removable Prosthetics - John Morgan Buie, DDS (2 Hr S)
10am - 12am
- Leading the Treatment Plan with Computer Dental Diagnostics - Nick Glickman, BA
- The Beauty of Esthetics with Monolithics - Daniel Swamy, CDT (2 Hr S)
12pm - 2pm
Awards Luncheon - Free for all attendees, CDT Milestone Pins
Combating Illegal Labs - Jason Stubbs, CDT (1 hr RS)
Predictable Implant Supported Prosthetics - Mark Williamson, CDT
Title TBD: EDGE Dental Solutions - Mike Thomas
Masks Provided by Zahn!

Registration Add-ons
Saturday 12pm - 2pm
Awards Luncheon Guest Meal Ticket ($50)
-for friends and family of registered attendees
2020 Sponsors
Our 2020 Platinum Sponsors!
Conference Contact
DLAT c/o Tippett Ortho Lab
P.O. Box 406
Farmersville, Tx 75442
Phone and Fax: 800-376-2955
Conference Chair
Matthew Douglas, CDT, President
Speakers/ Class Captains Chair / Annual Golf Tournament
Richard Wills, CDT, Vice President