DLAT Exhibitor Committee is pleased to announce that Precision Dental Supply is officially an Exhibitor of the 2022 DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo!
The DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo is April 1-2nd, 2022 at the Dallas / Fort Worth Airport Marriott in Irving, Tx
Come visit Matt Lennehan, and the whole team in Booth 117 in the Exhibit Hall.
Email: precisiondentalsupply@gmail.com
Phone: (971) 404-1530
Website: www.precisiondentalsupply.com
Description of Company’s Products or services:

This Exhibitor was brought to you by our sister association, Orthodontic Resource Group. They are hosting their annual conference alongside ours. Registered attendees from either association may attend classes from either conference.
More info: OrthodonticResource.com