The DLAT Conference Committee is pleased to announce Megan Martin as the newest speaker to join our conference!
2022 DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo
April 1-2nd, 2022 Dallas/ Fort Worth Airport Mariott, Irving, Tx
Megan Martin will be speaking on: Tad Supported Expansion and Laboratory Fabrication
Course Description: A Ortho Lab look at TAD supported expansion and it’s application to our industry. A overview of the different types. Fabrication tips and tricks and is it worth offering to your catalog of appliances.
Megan Martin Background:
Megan is the current Vice President/Lab Manager and an owner at Perfect Finish. She got her start in 2001 as a trimmer/finisher and advanced to wire bending, functionals and digital workflow. She had most recently undertaken TAD assisted appliances. Most commonly, Dr. Moon’s MSE and Dentaurum’s Tomas expanders.
Megan manages the labs workflow, account communication, training and the overall production. Megan has lectured at many different universities including Rutgers, NYU, UCONN, and Maimonides orthodontic residency programs to name a few. She has a passion for her work and orthodontic laboratory work.
Megan currently lives in Pennsylvania with her two daughters. She enjoys snowboarding, pilates and yoga.
Megan Martin is sponsored by: Dentaurum

This speaker and course are brought to you by our sister association, Orthodontic Resource Group. They are hosting their annual conference alongside ours. Registered attendees from either association may attend classes from either conference.
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