The DLAT Program Committee is pleased to announce Nicholas Do of Dr. Ryan Dunlop’s Full Arch Masters as a speaker at the 2022 DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo.
The Conference is taking place April 1-2nd, 2022 at the Dallas / Fort Worth Airport Marriott, Irving, Tx.
Nicholas Do will be speaking on:
Miyo for the new Digital Frontier and Finishing AllonX prothesis with Composite
More about these courses:
With the new digital workflow especially with the new emerging in-house Lab, learn how to do immediate finishing, effectively and fast. learn different material approach and techniques. From composite on Printed Resin to Liquid ceramic Miyo on Zirconia.
A little more about the speaker:
A classically trained artist in painting and drawing. Pursued and excelled in dental ceramics for 23 years. Now with the love of teaching and being an esthetic ceramist, Nicholas help technicians and Doctors across the country to improve their craft and hone-in on the esthetic of implant arches. Currently a Lead Ceramist and an Esthetic Director for Dr Ryan Dunlop’s Full Arch Masters Lab, and a trainer for Full Arch Masters in Fresno, CA.
Nicholas Do is sponsored by: GC America