2024 DLAT/ORG Course – Automate your Lab – High Impact Changes to your Workflow

Automate your Lab – High Impact Changes to your Workflow (1.5 Scientific)

In an industry where hiring talent is harder than ever before, we invite you to take a look at automation’s impressive resume. This workhorse can be a key new member on your team, taking some of your pain processes and turning them into an afterthought. Automation has shown itself to be helpful in managing processes, streamlining workflows, and in getting the rest of your team the information they need, sooner. 

In this lecture, come learn about some of the foundations and benefits of automation, and how we’re applying it throughout NEOLab processes. Learn about automation’s impact on and uses in data collection, 3D printing, production, billing, shipping, and more! 

Whether your lab is small, and you need just a helping hand, or your lab is large and you need to fill several full-time positions, automation can make a huge impact on your day to day. 



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