Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorship Levels:

This year we will be doing something new with the Sponsorship levels: Silver, Gold and Platinum. In the past, you could make a cash donation to the Conference and receive that level. As much as that was greatly appreciated and needed, we want to put your money to a better purpose, get you more exposure to the attendees and this system rewards those exhibitors that get involved as much as they can in the conference.

For the 2018 Conference, the Sponsorship Levels will be based on how many opportunities your company takes advantage of at the Conference. This will be done automatically using a simple, easy to understand points system (stars ☆). Many of you will be surprised that with your past activity with last years conference, you would have already been considered a Platinum Sponsor!

How it Works:

Each Sponsorship Opportunity is worth one star. How many stars you get determines your Sponsorship level.

Platinum PartnerPlatinum Sponsor = 4 Stars ✩✩✩✩

Gold Sponsor = 3 Stars ✩✩✩

Silver Sponsor = 2 Stars ✩✩

Bronze Sponsor = 1 Star ✩


An exhibitor gets a booth, a program ad and brings in a speaker. That would be one star for each of those items, which would be a total of 3 stars and would automatically make them a Gold Sponsor and they would receive all the benefits from that designation.

Throughout the Online portal, you will see a star (☆), this will be an easy way of identifying how many stars each sponsorship opportunity is worth.

Most Sponsorship Items at worth one star but keep an eye out for the ones worth 2 stars!

Benefits of each level:


  • Rotating Banner Ad at the top of the online Conference Attendee Registration webpage.
  • Rotating Banner Ad on the Conference Attendee information page.
  • Special Recognition in the Paper Conference Program Guide.
  • A chance to have your logo randomly appear throughout the conference publications and posters.
  • First choice of time slots for Table Clinics during Vendor Day
  • Two Email Marketing campaigns to our Registered Attendees (One before and one after the conference)
  • One Email Marketing (Before the conference ) to ALL 460+ of our lab contacts we have collected over the years




  • Included in list of valuable Conference Sponsors on both Conference paper brochure and website.
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