Due to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and request from our public health officials both Nationally and Locally to limit exposure to this virus, the DLAT Board and Conference Chair decided on March 16, 2020, to RESCHEDULE our conference. We want to keep all attendees, exhibitors, and speakers safe!
Please mark your calendars for October 1-4, 2020.
*There will NOT be a conference at all on March 26-29th, 2020.
This will be the same conference we had scheduled before. We will be at the same hotel with the same speaker line-up. More details will be available at a later date.
Those that have already registered, your registration has been applied to the new October date.
The exhibit hall floorplan will remain the same. Your booth location and payment will be applied to the October conference exhibit hall, no further action is needed on your part.
Room Reservations:
Attendees, Speakers, and Exhibitors, if you already have room reservations with the hotel, they ask that you call 800-984-1344 and cancel your current reservation. Once we get the new conference room block set up we will let everyone know.
CDT renewals
We have spoken with NBC and they will be extending the grace period to renew your CDT. They will be sending out an official email soon detailing how the grace period works if you have been affected by this rescheduled conference.
Stay up to date on our website and Facebook. Email meetings@dlat.org if you have any questions.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the fall! Until then stay safe and stay busy!
March 17, 2020
Congratulations on making a hard decision.
It was certainly the right thing to do. I, myself, would not
have been able to attend do to my age.
I understand how hard it is as I had to do the same a couple
of times when I was Executive Director.
March 17, 2020
Thank You!
I thought many times during this that you problably had to deal with this too!
I kept thinking WWMD (What Would Milton DO)!
I know this will be a memorable one for me
March 17, 2020
Thanks for making this decision. Safety concerns have most of us on edge. I look forward to seeing everyone in October!
March 17, 2020
We understand and applaud DLAT as this was a difficult decision to make! We are all concerned for the welfare of attendees and their families, exhibitors, and DLAT personnel. Looking forward to seeing everyone in October!
July 31, 2020
Has the meeting been rescheduled from October to a new date yet?
August 2, 2020
The October 1-4 date still stands. We are working with the Hotel to use all safety precautions to make a safe conference. We will have a Live Streaming back up in case things get bad. All current registrations will automatically be given access to the live stream.
September 22, 2020
2020 DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo will be on October 2-3, 2020. I’ll see ya there!!