Associate Member Portal

Your logo in a rotating Ad area on our site all year long.

Members will be able to click on your logo to see your profile and links to your website.



RecommendInteraction with members on our site, you can even recommend (like) your best customers as a sign of appreciation






Display all your company events on our member's calendars.

We know companies like you supply valuable information and CE credits through things like webinars and small meetings. Just contact DLAT with your meeting information and links and we will get it up on DLAT's Calendar. We also can provide online registration and RSVP abilities for your meeting for a reduced fee.

As an Associate Member You get the ability to create Deals for the other Members in the Association

Member deals are a great asset to help generate SEO and drive traffic to your website. You will see increased ROI on your membership by being able to advertise through our organization, with easy access online to create and manage their deals through their account.

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