New 2020 Conference Speaker: Giacomo Bartolini, CDT

The DLAT Program Committee is pleased to announce that Giacomo Bartolini, CDT has been confirmed as a speaker for the 2020 DLAT Southwest Conference & Expo!
The Conference is taking place on March 26-29th, 2020 at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center in Grapevine Texas.

Giacomo will be teaching 2 courses:

Subject 1:

RPE and MARPE : Full Digital Workflow Design and Fabrication

Description of Course:

This lecture is a journey in the contemporary digital orthodontic possibilities, focusing on the full digital workflow and fabrication of custom-made devices for maxillary expansion. Dedicated CAD-CAM RPE types and styles will be presented, along with tips & tricks for expander construction, both teeth and bone born.

Subject 2:

RPE for TAD’s: a dedicated line of expander

Description of Course:

Thanks to almost 90 years of experience in the RPE mechanical manufacturing and the forefront attention to the latest technological and clinical innovations recently adopted for the Maxillary expansion, Leone is proud to launch the new Strengthened RPE for TADs. Along with 4 TADs attachments and a dedicated Swivel Key allows the construction of customized both Hybrid (teeth and Minimplants) and full Bone
Borne RPEs.

Discipline: Orthodontics

Giacomo Bartolini, CDT Bio:
An Italian Certified dental technician working for Leone company in the Technical Department since April 2016. He practices the profession inside the Leone dental lab. where he realizes the demonstration models for the exhibitions and, in general, tests directly the products. He daily does customer care service and deal with the orthodontic training activities that the company promotes. He attends to congress or exhibitions both in Italy and abroad as company technical figure and sometimes he has also given lectures and courses in Italy and abroad

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