Priscilla Mier: Colored Acrylics and Designs Made Easy

Priscilla Mier


While owning and operating a very profitable, high volume laboratory in Southern California, Priscilla started formulating and coloring acrylics to create better products for use in her own laboratory; thus creating JBC and Company. She moved to Nevada where she owned and operated her second lab and continued to develop JBC and Company as you know it today. With over 38 years as a lab owner, she continues to learn and share new techniques with customers of JBC and Company. In 2013, Priscilla moved her home and business to Texas to stay close to her family. Priscilla continues to own and operate JBC and Company and works with the DLAT annually to expand the orthodontic laboratory program for the orthodontic technicians throughout Texas and the US.

Colored Acrylics and Designs Made Easy

View the fabrication of acrylic retainer palates using endless colors to make easy, ‘one pour’ artistic designs.  Watch and learn how to use the acrylics, as an artist uses paint, to create pictures in orthodontic retainers and appliances.  Work with acrylic without fear of messing anything up.  Play and experiment with the acrylic like never before.  Use tools and gather tricks as to how this all works. 


Clinic Objective

To bring a different way to apply orthodontic acrylic resin for the lab technician, when needing to offer the Artsy/Crafty side of design work to appliances.  Stay competitive in the orthodontic lab market or neighborhood with the offering of Art Work and Designs in your appliances.


1 Comment

  1. Joey Breaux
    March 28, 2017

    I met Priscilla years ago at a Texas seminar. She sold me on her products and I used JBC acrylics exclusively for my ortho department for years. JBC makes outstanding acrylics; and I’ve used them all. Great product and outstanding customer service.


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