
Open post

Happy New Year from DLAT! Meet your 2019 DLAT Board of Directors

The election results are in, and your fellow members have confirmed the following people to serve on the 2019 DLAT Board of Directors! Matthew Douglas, CDT - President Richard Wills, CDT - Vice President Jason Stubbs, CDT - Sec./Treas. Robert Jones, CDT - Director Felix Silva, CDT - Director Keith Wilson - Technician/Associate Liaison John Meeks - Technician/Associate...

Open post

Meet our 2019 DLAT Conference Sponsor! TruAbutment Inc.

“Experience the Tru Solution” TruAbutment Inc. has been dedicated to providing the highest quality CAD/CAM custom abutments at the most competitive prices in the market. We represent less than 1% of milling centers that mill the CAD/CAM titanium abutments “head-to-toe” using a Swiss-type turning CNC machine. Utilizing this method, we are able to drastically improve...

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DLAT is Proud of its Milestone Pin Recipients! To be Honored at the Conference Awards Luncheon

Congratulations to the Texas CDT Milestones! DLAT would like to recognize all the Texas CDT who will be achieving their respective 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50-year milestones this year. You do the Texas Dental Lab Industry proud! Awards Luncheon, Saturday, April 7th, 12:30-2:00 pm DLAT will be hosting their Annual Awards Luncheon in honor...

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Friday Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Bobby Williams, CDT

The 2018 DLAT Southwest conference keynote speaker for Friday Afternoon will be Bobby Williams, CDT! Keynote Presentation: The need for a harmonious partnership between the technician and the dentist is now more evident than ever. This presentation will dive into the mechanisms from case diagnosis, treatment planning, communication, advanced cad-cam, case fabrication to completion. Clinical cases...

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Friday Morning Keynote Speaker: Step Bay, CDT, DTG

The 2018 DLAT Southwest conference keynote speaker for Friday morning will be Step "2thmaster" Bay, CDT, DTG! Keynote Presentation: During this 2 hour keynote, Step 2thMaster Bay will cover 2 topics, digital dental photography and anterior aesthetics. Starting with how to easily use the complicated DSLR camera settings to capture magazine quality pictures and closing...

Open post

2018 Board of Directors

December 31st, 2018 Your votes were tallied and results were as follows: President: Pam Meredith, CDT Vice President: Matthew Douglass, CDT, TE Secretary-Treasurer: Richard Wills, CDT Director: Robert Jones, CDT Director: Felix Silva, CDT Technician/ Associate Liaison: Keith Wilson Technician/ Associate Liaison: John Meeks (Not pictured) Learn more about each one on the nominations page January 13th,...

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